Spring 2016 & Scarlett’s new AXJ title
We haven’t done a lot so far this spring, but things are starting to ramp up. We’ve done an obedience trial and three days of agility, and I’m pleased to say have come away with legs towards our titles in all venues.
Starting with my first ever Novice A Obedience leg towards a CD with Scarlett. It was not perfect, but it was a Q and second place and highlighted things for us to work on. I look forward to trying for another leg again soon. Though, obedience feels like an activity that could give me a heart attack. That 1 minute sit is the longest minute in history…
We’ve then done some agility trials at Merrimac (Hampton, VA) and CVAC (Doswell, VA). The girls were rockstars with both earning legs in Jumpers on our one day at Merrimac and Shebang earning a double Q with two 2nd places, and Scarlett earning her AXJ at CVAC the following weekend. At CVAC all the beardies Qed on Sunday, so we took a celebratory picture.